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Presence at Science Hub

January 2025

Host institution


Antonino Ian Ferola


Internal Research Fellow


I am a physical oceanographer working as Internal Research Fellow in the Science Hub. I hold a PhD in Environmental Phenomena and Risks, with a focus on climatic variability over the Southern Ocean. My scientific interest center on the complementarity of in situ and satellite data to advance our understanding of the interactions between ocean, atmosphere, and cryosphere.


My research focuses on the dynamics of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and its fronts, investigating their variability over time and their interaction with bathymetry. By integrating in situ measurements with altimetry data, I aim to uncover patterns and processes driving these changes, which play a critical role in shaping the global climate system. The ACC, as the world’s strongest ocean current, connects all major ocean basins and influences the exchange of heat, carbon, and nutrients across hemispheres.
In addition to studying the ACC, I analyze mesoscale eddies that emerge from the current, with the goal of obtaining a reliable characterization of their physical properties, such as heat content and meridional heat transfer. By examining these eddies through model-derived and satellite-based altimetric outputs, I gain valuable insights into their role in ocean mixing and energy redistribution. This work also evaluates the accuracy of ocean models in reproducing their dynamics, contributing to a better understanding of ocean circulation and its implications for climate variability and prediction.

Relevant themes

  1. Ocean
  2. Polar