Science Talk: Hamidreza Mosaffa
ESRIN Science Hub Via Galileo Galilei, 1, Frascati, RM, ItalyDeveloping purely high-resolution satellite-derived precipitation estimation through a deep learning algorithm
Developing purely high-resolution satellite-derived precipitation estimation through a deep learning algorithm
The Science Hub is hosting the 2nd edition of the Earth System Science Workshop in partnership with the Sorbonne Universite Paris, Academie Spatiale d’Ile de France and IPGP. The event will take place between 26th of February – 1st of March 2024. The scope of the workshop is to train PhD students in working with […]
ESA recently kicked off the development of EarthCODE- a Collaborative Development Environment for Earth System Science. The goal of the project is to enable science activities funded under FutureEO’s EO4Society element to adhere to FAIR Open Science practices, contributing to the achievement of ESA’s vision for EO Open Science and Innovation. The workshop will be […]
The Science Hub is hosting the 3rd edition of the Earth System Science Workshop in partnership with the University of Edinburgh. The event will take place between 13-17 May 2024. The scope of the workshop is to train PhD students in working with Earth Observation data to understand Earth system dynamics and processes. The participating […]
Professor Steve Groom has over 35 years’ experience in satellite and aircraft remote sensing with special interest in ocean colour, coccolithophores, inland waters and near-real time, operational environmental monitoring. Also interested in use of EO data notably in the developing world. Steve is Head of Science for Earth Observation Science, the largest science area at […]
Part of the Medcyclone Workshop programme, the Science Hub will host a Training School which is primarily addressed to PhD students, PostDocs, early career investigators, as well as professionals and scientists from regional and national meteorological agencies. The training school will cover several aspects of Mediterranean cyclones: dynamics, processes, forecasting, predictability, and impacts at both […]
Visiting Living Planet Fellow Tim Trent will make a presentation of the research he carried out during his stay at the ESRIN Science Hub in 2024. Tim is currently a research fellow working within the National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO) based at the University of Leicester. In addition to his research role, he also […]
Giulia Roccetti is a PhD student at the Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munch and the European South Observatory. Her presentation at the Science Hub will address one of the topics of her PhD. Probing cloud and surface properties in disk-integrated Earth’s observations Abstract: Earthshine, which is the sunlight reflected by the Earth onto the Moon, […]
Final presentation of research fellow Florian Le Guillou. Abstract: The use of satellite data has revolutionized the study of upper ocean dynamics, offering global, continuous, and real-time information about various physical processes at the ocean’s surface. These data provide key insights into ocean circulation, temperature distribution, wave patterns, and other dynamic factors. For instance, Sea Surface […]
The MethaneSAT mission for the detection and quantification of anthropogenic methane emissions: overview and first results Abstract: Mitigating anthropogenic methane emissions is vital for reducing the rate of global warming. Under the scientific lead of the Environmental Defense Fund and Harvard University, the MethaneSAT satellite mission is designed to detect and quantify anthropogenic methane emissions […]
2-day workshop on “Beaching Particles & Closed-Boundary Conditions” workshop at the Science Hub, in the frame of the 4DMED project scientific visit. 4DMED Project