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Presence at Science Hub

July 2023 -

Martin Wearing

Digital Twin Earth Scientist

ESA staff


Martin is a Digital Twin Earth Scientist at ESRIN coordinating the development of digital replicas of elements of the Earth System based on Earth Observation data, numerical modelling and AI. He has a background in numerical ice-sheet modelling and analysis of satellite Earth Observation datasets. Prior to arriving at ESRIN, Martin was a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the School of Geosciences at the University of Edinburgh. There he was involved in a number of projects that improved understanding of: 1) meltwater production and drainage at the base of the Antarctic Ice Sheet; and 2) the dynamics and stability of ice shelves.


Martin is a Digital Twin Earth Scientist at ESRIN coordinating the development of digital replicas of elements of the Earth System based on Earth Observation data, numerical modelling and AI. His research interests focus on understanding the dynamics of the Antarctic Ice Sheet and its contribution to sea level rise. Martin uses numerical modelling, satellite Earth Observation data and machine learning to understand complex ice sheet processes, such as the creation and evolution of ice-shelf damage (crevasses and fractures), and the impact of subglacial hydrology on ocean properties and ice-sheet dynamics.

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  1. Polar